Passenger elevators are manufactured exclusively for the transport of passengers with a nominal load of: 320, 450, 630, 800,1000, 1275, 1600, 1800, 2000 kg and with a travel speed of 0.63 to 4 m/sec.
They can be designed as Hydraulic with and without a machining room, and Electric with and without a machine room. Elevators meet the needs of low-frequency facilities (domestic elevators) and high-frequency facilities such as residential and administrative buildings, hotels, banks, hospitals, moles …
Passenger elevators are with the following standard functionality:
- An inconspicuous departure and soft stop from floor to floor
- Comfortable and modern cabin
- Motionlessness
- Eco Design – low power consumption
- Modern design of the buttons (Anti-Vandal, Brail Alphabet)
- Microprocessor management
- UPS in the event of a jam
Step 1